Invisible Illness Film
When I stepped into the crosswalk, I had no way of knowing that my life would never be the same…
Although I landed on my feet, a distinctly different life is inevitable after a 2 ton vehicle crashes into you. The impact threw me six feet in the air. Even now, after 50+ specialists, 100+ medical tests, 500+ appointments, countless pills and failed treatments, being poked and prodded like a lab rat, I still carry the physical pain that was triggered that day. That’s just one of the consequences of a single moment of impact. The other consequences came later, from medical “care” and treatments.
From the outside, you’d think I was a picture of health. One look at my medical records tells a different story and one moment spent in my body would give you an entirely different picture. Most of my injuries and illnesses are “invisible” and that changes everything about diagnosis, treatment and recovery.
During the first five years, I felt confused, abandoned, betrayed, alone… and invisible.
I never want anyone else to feel that way. And so, I began work on a new heart project, a project that a dear friend and mentor calls “soul important” work.
Whether it’s chronic pain, Crohn’s, Lyme, SIBO, PTSD, or any other illness not visible or obvious on the outside, our stories need to be shared. Stories of hope and resilience, courage and perseverance, and above all, a sense of community and belonging that is sorely needed. Not only stories from those suffering, but from the people supporting and healing those who live with invisible illness.
Want to see more? You can watch the film on
What Is “Invisible Illness”?
You look “normal” to the casual observer. Smiling. Laughing. Living.
On the inside, you’re struggling, you feel broken and are battling a relentless storm.
You’re misunderstood, misdiagnosed and invalidated.
You feel … alone.
But you are not alone. And we want to inspire you and help connect you to a community of men and women who know exactly what you’re going through. Your illness may be invisible, but you don’t have to be.